Interested in the potential of working with an OEM, the consortium partnered with Airbus in order to benefit from their technical support in the exploration into BAMCO (Bamboo long fiber reinforced biobased Matrix Composites). With the aviation industry committed to reducing its carbon footprint, it is widely acknowledged that an holistic approach is required, encompassing the further evolution of products through the development of new materials and the continuous improvement of production processes.
Philippe Ponteins, Head of Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering at the R&D division, who oversees the BAMCO project at Expleo, and Serge Maison, Senior Scientist for Materials & Structures, who manages this project at Airbus, discuss the project.
1. Can you introduce the BAMCO project to us and what was the starting point for the collaboration between the consortium and Airbus?
Philippe Ponteins.Bamco是一项协作创新项目,汇集了七家公司和研究实验室:Expleo,Arkéma,Cirimat,Cobratex,Compositadour,Mécano和特定聚合物。我们正在努力开发由生物基树脂和竹材加固的新型绿色复合材料。除了自然来源之外,这些生物复合材料还具有物理和机械性能(轻度,热阻,震动和振动的吸收......),其可以使其成为某些具有高环境影响的某些聚合物复合材料的替代品。
Serge Maison.通过使用天然纤维的新材料的发展确实是如何应对航空工业和空运生态系统整体面临的环境挑战的方法之一。在密切研究项目并与财团讨论一些技术要点后,我们对BAMCO解决方案的潜力感兴趣,就其生命周期性能而言。
Serge Maison.The aviation industry today faces a real societal and technological challenge: the need to be more sustainable.
Philippe Ponteins.Making a significant contribution to industry’s environmental footprint, especially in the aviation sector, requires a holistic approach, where we think not only about products, but also about resources, the supply chain and production processes. To further the BAMCO project, at Expleo for instance, we are launching research into the recycling of composite aircraft parts at the end of their lifecycle.
3.什么使BAMCO biocomposites创新?
Philippe Ponteins.While some solutions based on flax or hemp fibres already exist, the implementation of bamboo reinforced-based biocomposites has never been studied. BAMCO relies on the bio-based resins with the same performance as oiled resins, and the extraction of bamboo fibres in continuous ribbons or strands. The selection of the species of bamboo is key, as would be there location of its production to France, for ecological coherence.
Serge Maison.BAMCO项目使我们能够扩大关于天然纤维在航空技术背景下的潜力和行为的知识。它们的性质与碳纤维的性质截然不同,目的是在不同的应用领域中开发它们的用例。
4. What contributions do the project’s stakeholders make?
Philippe Ponteins.Our collaboration focuses on the development of an application case – a Radome part, which should allow us to validate the technical performance of the biocomposite material. The digital representation research, which is complementary, helps us to simulate and better understand the behaviour of materials, while optimising their performance.
Serge Maison.Airbus brings expertise in material specifications for the development of bio-based fibres and resins and we provide a case for industrial application. We are also working closely with the consortium on the development of a digital twin of a biocomposite material made from the basic parts of bamboo fibres and bio-based resins to accelerate the optimisation of material performance.
5. What results can we expect? What are the next big steps?
Serge Maison.The knowledge gained from this project will support advancements in the design and development of materials for future aircraft parts. The topic, however, is an extremely complex one and we do not foresee a firm and precise operational use case at this stage.
Philippe Ponteins.我们现在是项目的中途,对所取得的进展极为满意,并获得了第一款结果。例如,由特定聚合物和Arkéma配制的生物基树脂符合规范要求。Cobratex已成功地实现了所需宽度的连续竹节,并且Cirimat定义了一种提取足够长度的竹芯的方案来制造良好的组件。MécanoID和CompositaDour制成了来自多轴竹子预制件的第一个板。根据初始运营计划,我们现在考虑到2021年底的原型部分的生产。expleo,负责Bamco项目的大会,治理和技术和合同管理,正在研究这些规范的定义原型零件。因此,未来几个月的前景非常有前途。