都柏林,1月23日2021年 -expleo.创新型企业的技术合作伙伴,announces the results of a new survey which reveals that worker productivity has endured, and even improved in the remote working era. A combined 89% of business and IT leaders in Ireland said productivity had improved or stayed the same while working remotely, with 52% noting an improvement in productivity, and 37% attesting to a maintenance of productivity levels. Only 11% of respondents said productivity had declined due to remote working.
However, there is a sense that important intangibles such as company culture have been negatively impacted by the shift towards remote working. 53% of respondents expressed concern that long-term remote working has impacted, or will negatively impact their team or organisation’s camaraderie.
expleo.commissioned a survey of 200 business and IT leaders across the island of Ireland* to understand how the pandemic is affecting their organisations. The findings have been aggregated and presented within Expleo’sBusiness Transformation Index 2021报告,对企业的预期机会和普遍威胁提供全面分析。
Expleo调查的调查结果还说明了在可持续发展议程方面的商业领袖的担忧。In some instances, the warning is stark: 45% of business leaders in Ireland don’t believe that their company is doing enough to make their IT infrastructure more environmentally friendly, and 40% don’t believe their business will be able to reduce its carbon emissions in line with the target set out in the Programme for Government of 7% per year. Confidence in Ireland’s environmental performance is also a concern, with 65% feeling that Ireland won’t be able to meet that same carbon emissions reduction target.
To ensure employees feel fully valued and connected, it’s imperative that business leaders find ways to boost employee camaraderie, culture and cohesion in the months and years ahead.
埃菲尔德爱尔兰董事总经理Phil Codd
埃菲尔德爱尔兰董事总经理Phil Coddsaid:“Since March of last year, the business community has been forced to conduct a remote working litmus test for large swathes of office workers throughout Ireland. To the enormous credit of these workers, our survey has found that productivity has improved or remained the same for the vast majority.
“With the Government outlining a new strategic approach to long term remote working, this workforce evolution looks set to continue. To ensure employees feel fully valued and connected, it’s imperative that business leaders find ways to boost employee camaraderie, culture and cohesion in the months and years ahead.
“While our survey also highlighted some significant concerns around our collective ability to meet more stringent environmental targets, it’s re-assuring to see that Irish enterprises are increasing their sustainability investments in the coming year.
“At Expleo, we’re ready to support them on their journey by enabling businesses to reimagine processes and applications, improve worker empowerment and productivity, while upholding a robust sustainability agenda.”