Dublin, 18 February 2021 –Expleo, the technology partner for innovative companies, today announces the results of a survey which reveals that the deployment of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions is set to treble over the next three years among business in Ireland.
Expleo’s survey of 200 business and IT leaders across the island of Ireland identified that 22% of businesses have already implemented AI/ML solutions within their organisations, with an additional 42% planning to do so within three years. This will mean that almost two thirds (64%) of Irish businesses will be leveraging AI and ML by the end of 2023.
The research also illustrates how 40% of companies are automating more processes as a result of the pandemic, with 17% believing that automation will reduce backlogs caused by COVID-19. Furthermore, almost one-in-five (19%) of business and IT leaders now view AI and Machine Learning as fundamental to their business success.
根据研究,大st impacts automation will have on organisations in the next three years are: help employees to focus on business-critical tasks (60%), speed up processes (69%), and reduce costs (63%).
Expleo’s survey also highlighted firm levels of trust among staff in the aptitude of their business leaders during this time of uncertainty, with 87% believing their leadership team has the skills and ability to succeed in the post-COVID world. The speed of their company’s decision making was also broadly endorsed by respondents. 45% believe their organisations acted faster than competitors to implement necessary changes brought on by the pandemic, while 42% viewed the speed of change implementation in line with that of competitors.
Rebecca Keenan,全球流程自动化负责人
Commenting on the findings, Rebecca Keenan, Global Head of Process Automation, Expleo, said:“这项研究明确表示,由于大多数爱尔兰企业转向AI和机器学习,以加强服务交付,加快进程和授权的员工在未来几年内,我们接近触发点。他们已经拥抱了自动化,以重要的方式帮助克服大流行造成的许多经营挑战。
“It’s particularly interesting to see how many business and IT leaders view AI and ML as being fundamental to their business success. This mirrors what we are seeing in Ireland and across the group globally today, as more and more businesses harness technology to implement necessary changes to remain competitive and agile.
这些创新旨在帮助企业以速度创新 - 随着泛滥经济型增长的计划特别重要。例如,我们看到机器人过程自动化(RPA)的部署被用作踏脚石进入更先进的解决方案。创造一种技术生态系统,驾驶成本节约和效率,结合人类和数字人才变得越来越普遍。“
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