
我与Expleo的旅程开始11年前,作为一个58必威网站 工程师。我开始在德比的主要燃气轮机合同上工作,我们与客户密切合作,以提供实时改进。起初,我们是一个七个团队,但两年多的时间随着我的方式在技术经理的团队领导者中努力工作到达120多年,然后通过团队领导,然后努力工作。

Stuart Cox.


I quickly went from solving individual issues the customer was facing, to responsibility for the whole project from a functional perspective, technical management support for our processes, quality, and capabilities. I was able to achieve huge cost savings on this project by investigating and solving a manufacturing issue that had been causing major service disruption for our client. This involved sampling parts from engines in service and visiting manufacturing plants to identify the root cause. The solution was to change the manufacturing process and introduce a part replacement strategy for engines in the field. It’s a project I’m proud to have been part of to this day.



Supporting with digital transformation

在我的职业生涯中,我已经看到了多么重要AC米兰赞助商必威 AC米兰赞助商必威 has become. Expleo has been at the forefront of this and I’ve been fortunate enough to contribute to some key projects, both internally and externally. Back in 2012, I led the team which piloted and enabled the first remote, supplier connection to one of our key client’s network. As we all know, remote connections have now become an essential part of how we engage with many of our customers and colleagues, but this was a novel approach back then. At the time, this was also a big cost saving to our customer and allowed for increased levels of offshoring, in-line with their business objectives. I have also supported defining our digital In-Service strategy, developing our Photogrammetry capability to capture 3D models of components, and adopting Power BI into the business to combine reporting of data from our various systems.

Training and mentoring

Expleo has helped broaden my experience, personally and professionally, working with a diverse range of people from across the world on projects where no two are ever the same. I’m a firm believer that learning is a continual process and I’ve been fully supported in that, achieving chartered engineer status in 2013 and earning a Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt in 2016. Now, I’m helping the next generation of engineers as a mentor to our own graduates, helping them through theIMechE scheme被禁止自己,我发现真的有价值。

I love the variety of work Expleo has to offer, I look forward to my new role and what the future has in store for me.

Case studies