



The leadership team acknowledged that the current 18-month lag between request and release for new products was unacceptable in the eyes of today’s digitally literate customers. By replacing legacy systems, IT could then deliver new features and products at pace, with flexibility, and for lower costs – offering additional value to the customer. The bank also identified the importance of bringing its business and IT onto the same trajectory.

Since 2009, Expleo has worked alongside the client as a preferred partner for testing and quality assurance.

Solution & outcomes

我们的专家created a multi-year initiative containing ‘tribes’, ‘squads’ and ‘guilds’ of employees to embed a number of IT disciplines, including, Agile, LEAN, SAFe, LeSS, DevOps and Management 3.0. With our quality-focused philosophy, we contributed to the early strategic planning stages of the transformation initiative.

我们与客户自己的劳动力建立了密切的关系,证明了其转型成功的核心敏捷。The change was both technical and cultural, which is a valuable point of differentiation when introducing a new way of working on an enterprise-wide scale. Expleo’s background in testing and质量保证使我们的顾问能够提供培训和教练,以其自己的实践经验丰富。


The bank is currently on track to meet its target to deliver new features and products independently, and at full velocity, by the end of 2019. The client’s employees are now being encouraged to learn new skills and to make decisions that benefit their own work within the agile culture. In turn, this will improve productivity and employee satisfaction.
