Bringing stability and structure to a leading global manufacturing organisation
Prior to Expleo’s involvement, the programme had been running without a Project Management Office (PMO), making its complexity and scale difficult to control. As a result, a lack of governance within the programme meant the teams involved were working inefficiently and ineffectively, often in silos.
The committed investment, and the client’s future plans for its manufacturing software, meant the stability a PMO would bring had become critical. Although this was understood, the client still failed to appreciate the level of dedication and management required to do so successfully.
This generated the requirement of (and presented the need for) an external partner to come in and ease the transition towards operating in a significantly more structured way.
Solution & outcomes
Expleo was able to introduce a more advanced, clear, and holistic approach to building a PMO within the client’s organisation.
The capabilities Expleo’s team offered were enhanced by the structure and quality developed as part of building and operating the PMO, bringing visibility, insight, and control to the programme.
Expleo was also able to provide broad knowledge and expertise related to digital transformation initiatives, supplementing the depth of the client’s existing capabilities in that area.
This helped drive a focus on quality into the programme, challenging development practices and supplier delivery, to increase the overall quality of the software application being developed.
Qualityis essential to protecting any investment, and this was equally important to the client in this case.