How automation led to a 60% reduction in test duration and a 90% reduction in costs



An existing framework had been set up to run 60 regression testing scenarios but it proved manually intensive, slow, unable to run at night and prone to failure. It lacked the functionality, too. For example, it couldn’t record screenshots necessary for validation. Given the timescales involved semi-manual, unreliable regression58biwei 根本不是一个选择。

Solution & outcomes

Expleo was brought in to overhaul the testing team and revamp the struggling automated regression testing function. The Expleo team also brought with it an inherent understanding of the utilities market as well as deep knowledge of the client’s processes and systems which included a heavily customised SAP implementation. Given the complexity of the client’s set up, Expleo introduced a 22-day on boarding programme to get its offshore teams up to speed with core system knowledge and customisation. In an initial phase of the project, Expleo corrected 30% – over 1,000 – of test cases that had previously failed to run successfully.

结果是戏剧性的。在接管回归测试的18个月内,Expleo将测试时间减少了60%,人力成本下降了90%。这使得业务充满自信,因为国内恢复计划变得更加复杂。这反过来导致了两个基本的业务结果 - 提高了客户满意度和恢复盈利能力。

