The past year has put enormous strain on businesses and brought into sharp focus the importance of being agile, adaptable and able to increase the pace of innovation and change at short notice. As the economy works to get back on its feet, technology solutions such as机器人与自动化will be pivotal in enabling this.
But, while technology can bring immense value to businesses, pivoting towards an automation-first model is no simple task. Badly managed digital upgrades are incredibly costly and can cause companies to take two steps back before they’ve even started. That’s why, until now, many large or complex industries have taken a slow and steady approach to automation.
If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught businesses anything, it’s that they need to be poised for abrupt market disruption at any moment – a slow and steady approach to technology cannot continue. As experts in数字转型以及负责技术创新的负责人,这里是expleo的三个顶级提示,用于在开始数字转型时考虑。
1. Be proactive, not reactive
Getting things right first time is business critical when building trust with customers, so when unforeseen challenges do occur, it is vital that businesses move quickly to understand the issue and find a solution. Of course, this is easier said than done. So, how can businesses ensure things run smoothly?
Ensuring that a process of自动化测试occurs throughout product development helps companies identify issues early on in the process, making these issues simpler, quicker and less costly to find a solution for. Meaning businesses can increase the speed to market of their latest innovation and get ahead of their competitors.
Mature agile testing approaches are needed to ensure the fast delivery of working solutions. After all, who remembers the runner-up? So, when Covid-19 does become a thing of the past, the innovations that stand the test of time will be those that worked well and could be relied upon since inception, rather than the tools that were simply ‘there’.
这是提醒的质量保证和58biwei 应该是在创新的核心,而不是一个追求的水上改装质量,始终是一种痛苦和昂贵的运动。
The purpose of focusing on quality when delivering change is to make sure that the end product works – this is no less critical when the rush to market is accelerated, but it is more challenging.
现实是,企业知道他们需要适应,并且他们已经知道这一段时间了。但新技术不能用旧的心态采用。真正希望看到数字升级结果的公司需要在升级其遗留系统时投资时间和金钱,以及upskilling员工, so that they have the tools and the confidence to steer the ship forward at pace.
A factory reset like this is a colossal task for any business to undertake. But rather than accept defeat, businesses need to find the right partners with the right tools. Partners that not only understand their pain points and the complexities of managing digital change on a seismic scale, but have experience seeding the ‘fail-fast’ culture of start-ups into large corporations, so they can assist them every step of the way.
Looking to the Future
几乎所有的办公室企业都表明他们可以简单地通过采用如此迅速的家庭工作来以敏捷的方式行事。现在,他们的焦点应该是发展他们的敏捷能力even further, by putting technology and quality at the heart of their operations.